I've promised to post every half hour for the entertainment of Friend 3, who is at present slacking when she should be working :p I can't guarentee I'll keep it up though...

Team Traken have picked their convention for the year. It looks awesome - low key guests (i.e. no damn actors), just lots of goodwill and silliness. Four years ago, they had a sci fi quiz where all questions had to be answered with plastecine models. Two years ago they added morning ballroom dancing to the agenda, as well as hosting a panel on the Doctor and the Master.
Besides, my mum was at a conferance once and she got chatting to the guy sitting next to her about my fabulous Sixth Doctor coat she was making. And it turned out he and his wife dressed up as the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa at weekends - he had photos on his iPhone - and reckoned this convention was the one to go to.

Because they are having a costume parade, we're thinking of going in convoy this year. We've narrowed it down to Trial of a Timelord:

or these three from Black Orchid:

I can't decide which I prefer; both would make an equally stunning impact, I'd get to be the Doctor both times, it's just that with one I get to wear my marvellous Sixth coat (and requires no effort), and the other I get a new costume. It's also impossible to work out which will be most suited - if the weather is warm, then my associates will die in Trial gear but be happier with Black Orchid. Vice versa for me, and vice versa for everyone if it's cold.

What else? Blake's 7 just got darker, much much darker; logic tells me it can still get nastier, but I can't quite envisage how. I'm looking forward to S4, where I thoroughly expect some serious vengeance to go down. I keep getting snippets of prose in my head, just one or two sentence chunks. It's interesting - I've never felt such an urge to fic before, and never with the main characters, and never in such bizzare a manner. Goodness knows what I'm going to do with them, I feel like such an idiot even typing them out. My antipathy for fic is absolute...

...which is why I volenteered to do a script for a DW fan project, but y'know, Doctor Who is different. In so many ways, from everything else ever. It's 45 years long and constantly changing. I've recently been surprised to discover that my favourite episodes of Blake's 7 are exactly the same as everyone else...but of course they are. It's only one show after all. Doctor Who is so many damn shows, one on top of the other, and "Greatest Episode Of All Time" isn't a constant but a statement of intent: A Good Example Of What I Think This Show Should Be Like. Which is why it can't fairly be compared to any other TV show, either positively or negatively - it's so much bigger. It's not linear, it's not consistant - it's frequently not very good, but for people who "get it" this doesn't seem to matter at all.

Anyway, with help my script is now trundling towards a first draft of sorts, at least an outline.

And that's my first half hour up! Expect another post in about an hour...

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