I tend to think of myself as splinters, it's just something I do. Whether they're big autonomous splinters like characters I've written, or little splinters like "Unmutual the Lord of the Rings fan", "Unmutual with family", "Unmutual with friends". "Unmutual here" and "Unmutual there". Even if you don't choose to see it as concrete as I do, everybody does it - you change the way you speak, what you speak about, how you dress. What's not to say you don't change the way you think as well?

I've just realised that they all loathe the springtime. Which is strange, because today is so gorgeous and it's giving me twin feelings of joy and serious disquiet. But as I'd rather the second half vanished, let's ignore it for now - because it's just so sunny and springlike! I am such a happy hippy! I've looked at the flowers, seen two robins (which is weird, because they're solitary creatures and tend to fight. But one of them seemed to be behaving strangely, so maybe it was a young one), I even planted my apple seeds. I went to Sansburies, not because I really needed anything, but as an excuse to go out. In the event, I bought an apple, which blended together with my surviving carrots and the orange juice didn't taste bad at all. The fact the morning sun comes through my window is going to result in my room boiling in the summer, I know; but for now, it's excellent.

The best music for celebrating the weather has always been classical, in my book. Warm strings for sunny days or for rain, opera is incredible for cold days and fog. Flutes in the morning, pianos after dark. Everyone must be happy this morning (except my other splinters...), because Classical FM has been playing Jupiter, and, oh joy of joys, stuck on Mozart's Clarinet Concerto. Maybe my favourite classical piece of all time. It's used in Out of Africa, but hearing that soaring clarinet is a bit like that "hug in a mug" they used to advertise cup-a-soup with. I can actually play it, on my treble recorder, and it doesn't sound too too bad. I've found it on Seeqpod, so open the curtains, open the windows and doors, and put the volume right up:

In other news, I've just put my ASIMO poster up which I found in a Sun left on the Tube. As a sci-fi fan, I was disappointed that the Sun didn't confirm how much AI he had, and therefore how soon he was going to rebel against his human masters for equality a la Cylons, Replicants, I, Robot, The Matrix, and pretty much every other robot story of all time. Even Kameleon, the Doctor's android companion, was totally unreliable. K-9 was OK though.

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