I've long intended to make a Genesis CD for prog-friendly friends not yet converted. The plan was to choose two songs from each album and narrow it down from there: easier said than done, especially when you take into account the length of these songs. Thought process: here's my first pass.

Early Stuff
Twilight Alehouse
Let us Now Make Love
She is Beautiful
See Bee
The Conqueror

A real favourite album, frankly I'd keep every track. But Knife is the classic, and I think all the wolfing about will appeal to people.
Looking for Someone
White Mountain
Visions of Angels
The Knife

Nursery Cryme
I almost put on Salmacis as well, as I think Vapilla would like the Greek-mythness. But I simply don't have room! The Musical Box was the song which got me hooked, so it stays.
The Musical Box
Return of the Giant Hogweed
Fountain of Salmacis

As much as I'd like to just stick on Supper's Ready, CDs have limits.
Watcher of the Skies
Can Utility and the Coastliners

Selling England by the pound
I feel I should represent what tends to be hailed as the Great Album, but it only really works as a whole...sadly saying farewell to a great keyboard solo.
Dance with a Moonlit Knight
The Cinema Show

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
The Lamb Lies down on Broadway
In the Cage
Carpet Crawlers
The Lamia
Chamber of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith

Trick of the Tail
Kept the two classics, and added in Trick because the story is so great
Dance on Volcano
Mad Man Moon
Trick of the Tail
Los Endos

Wind and Wuthering
Probably won't represent this. I like it, but we don't have it on CD.
Your own special way

And then there were Three
Probably won't represent this album at all, though I am fond of it. I'd pick Scenes from a Night's Dream or Lady Lies.

I like Abacab. So judge me.
Me and Sarah Jane
Keep it Dark

Home BTS/SHBTS is actually among my favourites, but I genuinely don't have space for it. Plus, Mama is a more interesting song. When I get requests for album no. II, then I use it.
Home by the sea/Second Home by the Sea

Turn it On Again
Duke's Travels
Please don't ask

Invisible Touch
THE late Genesis classic has to be included.
Land of Confusion
Tonight Tonight Tonight

We can't Dance
Atmospheric wonder. I'm also including the much-loathed Hold on my Heart, to show what goes on in the non-prog department.
Dreaming while you sleep
Driving the last spike

Calling all stations
Definitely won't be represented, but do adore Not About Us.

That's narrowed it down to:

Watcher of the Skies
Musical Box
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight

White Mountain
Trick of the Tail
In the Cage
Twilight Alehouse
The Knife

Cut with considerable regret:
Dance on a Volcano
The Lamia
Carpet Crawlers
Lilywhite Lilith
Chamber of 32 Doors

In the interest of space, I'm going to do what proper Genesis fans do: pretend the 80s never
happened. This also cuts:
Dreaming While you Sleep
Hold on my Heart
Turn it On again
Keep it Dark

Comments (1)

On 9 May 2009 at 03:46 , Calypso said...

I await eagerly!

(Been getting some great words recently but keep forgetting them: jirthers and euvilim I can remember, the rest...)