Further to my previous post, I really am so damn proud of this song I'm going to post it here. Also, to dissuade you from looking out the fic. The odd rhyme looks a bit odd on paper, but read out loud it works. Powerful stuff.

It's only problem for me now is the religious aspect - I'm pretty sure the Numenorians revered the Valar, but I'm not sure whether the terms of address here don't sound too monotheistic. Ulmo is Raging Water, Varda is Starlight, but Earth and Altar and Land and Tower aren't really specified. If I were to revise it, I might replace every "God" with "Lord".

In any case, I won't go through and revise it or I'll probably remove its charm entirely. Verse two is taken from the hymn by G.K. Chesterton on which the whole is based. The rest is mine, all mine, and makes me wonder why the rest of my poetry is so appalling

Oh God of Land and Tower,
Spare now our hidden halls.
Forgive our quest for power,
And strengthen our stone walls.
Let not the sea devour us.
Save Nimloth's sapling seed.
Take not thy thunder from us,
But take away our greed.

Oh God of Earth and Altar,
Bow down and hear our cry.
Our earthly rulers falter,
Our people drift and die.
The walls of gold entomb us,
The swords of scorn divide.
Take not thy thunder from us,
But take away our pride.

Oh Queen of Heaven’s starlight,
Help not just elvenkind.
Your love can’t shine through our night,
To good and right we’re blind.
The quest for life consumes us
-In vain avoid our fate.
Take not thy mercy from us,
But take away our hate.

Oh God of Raging Water,
The elven-lands we claim.
The seas we seek to conquer,
The Western Lords we blame.
For those lands they forbade us,
Their rules we now distrust.
Take not thy thunder from us,
But take away our lust.

Oh Lords of Truth and Glory,
Protect us from the tomb.
Make not our lives a story
Wherein we come to doom.
Remove our Kings from error,
By peace and not the sword.
From our countries rising terror,
Deliver us, good Lords!

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