Oh god wow. HIGH emotional state right now. I just went to watch the final two parts of Trial of a Timelord, a.k.a. "The Ultimate Foe". I'm just so - you know those times when you just don't feel anything at all? Shoot to the other end of the spectrum BOOM. Right Now I'm Feeling Everything. Since coming back, the everything is heightened - happy things are the best damn things in the world, and I'm trying not to think about sad things because I know they'd skyrocket too. Also, time has just leaped 20 minutes in what seemed to me 20 seconds.

I love that episode a lot. But the Valeyard terrifies me. It's a shame, really, because I do on some level want to meet Michael Jayton before he does what elderly ex-Doctor Who actors tend to do, so I can tell him he's awesome and get him to sign my boxed set. But I genuinely doubt I could do it. People change, but not that much - it's the little tics which creep me out about actors. Things like the emphasis they place on words, the way they gesture when speaking - these things they do by accident which appear in the role, trancends and they do them accidentally in real life. I simply don't want to risk it, because there's a very real possibility I might pass out or do something crazy.

So I've got this genuine, welling pitch of terror - the fun sort of fear, but fear nontheless - and balancing that is my enthusiasm for the Sixth Doctor. I always feel like I have this wonderful secret no one else knows when I've seen a Colin Baker episode, because he's so so so wrongly maligned. It feels like my soul is singing - oh, hyperbole! And the Master is in that episode too, in what I regard as his best performance. Oh, what more could you want!

Valeyard + Master + Sixth Doctor = nothing! Hurrah!

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