Oh my! I'm grinning like an idiot here, at some of the things I've found! Stick Ninquelosse into Google, and most of it is me. Even the stupid things, like Lunch is Fun.

I've just found several things I'd forgotten all about. The Official Fanfiction University of Middle Earth - a funny series where fangirls are taught to write by the characters. I translated the no-10th-member-fic mantra into Quenya for them on a whim, and I'm happy to see Miss Cam kept it and is now on the homepage:

Nótuvalyë an nertë
Nertë na i nótë nótinocca
Ilnótuvalyë an kainen
Laumë an minquë
Nertë na i nótë otornassëo

I've no idea how correct that is any more. Translation:

"You shall count to nine,
nine is the number of your counting.
You shall not count to ten,
nor to eleven.
Nine is the number of the Fellowship."

I adopted a mini-Balrog from them! They'd made this list of misspellings from badfics - "Every name spelled wrong in Rings, a MiniBalrog gets its wings" - and then you could adopt them. Mine was Boriumier, and I've still got some little doodles of him with his shield.

And the Protectors of the Plot Continuum! Bloody genius, they were: agents who were teleported into Suefic to assassinate Sues. I wrote a few, although they don't appear to be online. Ahahahaha, I've just found Friend 4's fanfiction. Like my own, I remember it as rather good, but I probably shouldn't read it...I'd forgotten that even existed!

Something else I had no idea about. Both Song of the Faithful and When the King Returned got nominated for 2005 Middle Earth Fanfic awards, with Song of the Faithful gaining an honourable mention, and both some nice reviews. This makes me terribly happy, even four years late.

I've also rediscovered Song of the Rock, the best damn piece bit of fanfic of all time - like black coffee with extra black. It's about Gondolin. If you only read one bit of Middle Earth fan fic today, ignore me, and make it this one.

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